This morning as I snuggled up to my warm doona knowing the thermometer was struggling to reach 3 degrees Celcius... I shook my head thinking it was not that many years ago, I thrived on mornings like this, clocking up 10kms in the ocean or river... at least. "Well Shell you got up yesterday and swam. So why did you struggle today?" I asked myself. With the cold, winter weather hitting us, the number of swimmers showing up at swim practice each day is dwindling. So the cycle goes. It has … [Read more...]
Don’t Start A Resolution… Set A Goal!
It's now 2012 and your thoughts have turned to setting goals... or what some call New Year's Resolutions! and none are more important than in the area of your Health & Fitness! Each January, people who resolve to get fit… get healthy and lose weight; flock to the gym, the pavement, the pool, the open water. Gym owners and managers say by the end of February, the place is almost empty. People stop coming -- Most people bite off more than they can chew on New Year's Eve when starting … [Read more...]
2012: A Sensational Year To Overcome Your Fears and Open Yourself Up to New Horizons!
I’m planning on making 2012 a sensational year. How 'bout you? In less than four hours (dowunder), it will be a whole new year, where lots of people will be celebrating. Inspired by the Champions of 2011! Diana Nyad, Penny Palfrey, SAS soliders in Afghanistan, Peter Hughes, Steven Munatones of Janine Shepherd, Tim Cleland, Brad Hogg, Ky Hurst, Melissa Gorman & Paul Downie… I wrote today’s blog But before you say farewell to 2011... I want you to complete this … [Read more...]
Want to overcome your fear of the Open Water in 2012?
Hello Open Water Swimming Dreamers & Achievers –in-waiting! Have a fear of Open Water? Panic stricken the night before a Triathlon? Shaking in your wetsuit at the starting line? Frustrated that you can’t remain matter how hard you try? Overcome with anxiety ... and you don’t know why? Improving your OWS skill set in 2012 is one of your goals? Well fear no more... Santa Shelley is here … [Read more...]
Isn’t Life About Determining Your Own Finish Line?
None of us want to be wrong, make mistakes and we like to win and succeed. Who am I kidding ~ this is me I am describing! However, sometimes you have to try the impossible, not achieve it and stretch your comfort zone to be a bit bigger. During the month of September the world sat back in awe of the amazing, age-defying, 62-yr old, American Marathon Swimmer, Diana Nyad, as she went for her Xtreme Dream; attempting to swim 103 nautical miles (160+km) non-stop and unassisted from Havana, Cuba … [Read more...]