Open Water Swiming Mastery is proud to present the following clinics taught by Head Coach Shelley Taylor-Smith; to help you master swimming in the open water.
1. Stroke Correction
Goal: In each session the following four key points are guaranteed to be covered: 1) Massive education; 2) In-water instruction, technical implementation and execution. 3) Videoing analysis and 4) Review
These sessions are held on a Saturday morning each month from December 2011- May 2012.
Limited to a small group of 10 or less participants, clinics are geared toward all levels.
[click here for detailed info and clinic dates…]
2. P2OW – Pool to Open Water
Goal: The pool to ocean swim clinic is a two part clinic for developing competence to swim in the open water. This clinic will give you strategies and teach a step by step approach to transitioning from the pool to open water swimming while building confidence.
The P2OW clinics are held on a Saturday OR Sunday morning beginning with the pool session followed by the beach session.
Clinic is limited to 12 people only to keep the instructional quality high. Register early!
[click here for detailed info and clinic dates…]
3. OWS CLINICS – Novices & Newbies to Capable, Competitive & Professional
next clinic date to be confirmed
Clinics for all levels from novices and newbies to competitive and professional levels in Perth, Western Australia to help you prepare for your next ironman and/or open water competition.
Your Opportunity to Eliminate your Fears, Improve your Skills & Boost your Confidence!
Practical – Dry Workshop
In addition Shelley will conduct a “wet” practicalcomponent, in open water covering:
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This clinic is designed to develop your competence to swim in the open water. Including both theory and practical components it will provide you with strategies and teach you to overcome your fears and frustrations of being a newcomer to the open water. Skills taught include the ins and outs of surf entry, calm and rough water swimming , current, and guiding for swimming in a straight line. Participants will learn mental strategies and methods to manage nervousness or panic for smart, competent open water racing. You’ll be a safer , faster, more confident swimmer.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Newbies, beginners and first timers to triathlon and open water competitions; anyone wanting to boost their confidence and Open Water skillset.
DATE: to be confirmed
TIME: 9.15am registration, 9.30am start, 12 noon finish.
INVESTMENT: $66 [click here to register now…]
Please Note:
- No cheque payments. No cash payments. Pre-registration is required to attend. NB: Walk-ins on the day are charged at $77 cash per person.
- Register through the safe online gateway payment system. Receipts will be issued when your online registration is successful.
Uncertain what level of experience you currently are?… click here to discover your level of OWS skill set now
Any further enquiries please email or call Shelley on 0414 594 245
From last (literally) to 3rd in my age category and 5th overall!
“Shelley, with your help, it has created a new confidence in the water for me. I have since swum in the pool continuously for 1500m in 45min. That might not sound like much to a champ but for me that was huge, since last year I struggled to get to the end of the 50m. In the Australia Day triathlon in the Swan River, our “friends” (the jellyfish) were present but were so fun that I ended up getting 3rd in my age category for the swim (5th overall). I’m normally the last out of the swim (literally). I am super happy and have the half ironman in Busselton and would not have entered otherwise. Words really can’t express my gratitude to you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Maren Kate Scriven, WA.