Welcome to the birth of of a new product & website….OpenWaterSwimmingMastery.com!
As I gave the green light for approval for the launch announcement e-news I had the giddy nerves and excitement of my first marathon swim. And then I remembered my first state team, my first Australian team, my first American Record, my first World Race Record, my first World title…..
…and once again I acknowledged that I had a winning formula and stuck to it.
If it ain’t broken it doesn’t need fixin!
How many in your open water swimming pursuits are always looking for the perfect race, the perfect technique, the perfect training program, the perfect preparation?
How bout the perfect swimsuit, cap, goggles, goggles cleaner? And how many of us are focused on what everyone else is doing, taking, wearing, eating, drinking, feeding, planning?
That is why I created Open Water Swimming Mastery.com. We lose focus on the hours invested in planning and preparation and the tracking progress reports because we’re too busy trying to fix something that ain’t broken!
I would love to know your answer to this question: “What is the top question you really wish you had known the answer to when you first started out in open water swimming?”
To give me your answer, leave a comment to this blog post or email headcoach@openwaterswimmingmastery.com
I’m going to use your answers in a new project I am working on – that I hope to be able to share with you soon. Of course, I will keep all your responses anonymous
There has never been a better way to learn how to turn your love-hate relationship for open water around and overcome your greatest competitor – yourself!
13 reasons to join Shelley Taylor-Smith at OpenWaterSwimmingMastery.com … who has been there and done it!…. who will not only share the Champion Success Secrets with no BS but also help you achieve your Open Water Swimming goals!!!!
>> 1. If you’re searching for the up-to-date tools, tips and techniques on OWS … Shelley coaches them
>> 2. If Shelley cannot coach you… Shelley will do her best to find you a reputable coach and/or Masters Swim club to join
>> 3. If you want to overcome your fears, boost your confidence and improve your OWS skills… Shelley will teach you how
>> 4. If you’re want to organise your own event… Shelley will direct you to the best practices and certification programs on the planet!
>> 5. If you’re confused by all the conflicting opinions on the tools of the trade of OWS… eg. when to feed, how to feed, what to feed, what amount should I feed… Shelley will tell you the honest truth and nothing but the truth… and no BS and no commissions!
>> 6. If you want to swim the English Channel… Shelley will coach you and/or provide you with a online program
>> 7. If Shelley cannot coach you for the English Channel… Shelley will put you in touch with “reputable” coaches who have been there and done it!
>> 8. If Shelley does not have the answer to your query. Shelley will admit it and to the best of her ability, find the person who can answer your query.
>> 9. If you’re want the up-to-date info and results at the Olympic 10km Marathon swim, World Championships, World Cup & local events… Shelley will report them
>> 10. If you’re keen to go on an open water swimming adventure tour… Shelley will put you in touch with the tour organisers
>> 11. If you want to get to know the Open Water MINDSET of unique characters and inspiring individuals such as Penny Palfrey, Martin Strel, Lewis Pugh & Ram Barkai… Shelley will introduce you with interviews
>> 12. If you’re a triathlete and you have a love-hate relationship for Open Water…Shelley will turn it around so you conserve energy for the bike leg!
>> 13. If you want to keep up with Shelley (good luck!!!) via the OWSMastery Blog and Facebook posts then head to the facebook business for Open Water Swimming Mastery and CLICK LIKE and download the first chaper of Dangerous When Wet – The Shelley Taylor-Smith Story” for fr.ee.
Happy Swimming, Shelley Taylor-Smith
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