Can you believe it is February already... and we've all had a month of opportunity to give our New Year’s resolutions a good red hot go. New changes and new habits have been made and you are all feeling good about the “new you”. Wait. What? Oh you haven’t quite achieved what you set out to do. You are not quite the “new you” you had imagined. Hello... you’ve had a whole month, what have you been doing the past 31 days? In all seriousness, I know this can be disappointing. You … [Read more...]
Your First Wealth Is Your Health
Woke to the news today of James Gandolfini's death of a heart attack aged 51yrs... Same age as me ...yikes! I'm grateful for my health. I'm grateful for my heart. And all the years of "Bubble Bubble Breathe" up and down that black line that has held me in good stead. Your First Wealth Is Your Health! As you know I love to motivate and inspire people to become their own Champions and help them to achieve goals they never believed were possible. There is one critical … [Read more...]