Woke to the news today of James Gandolfini’s death of a heart attack aged 51yrs…
Same age as me …yikes!
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my heart.
And all the years of “Bubble Bubble Breathe” up and down that black line that has held me in good stead.
Your First Wealth Is Your Health!
As you know I love to motivate and inspire people to become their own Champions and help them to achieve goals they never believed were possible.
There is one critical ingredient however that we all need to focus on daily for any Champion performance and that is our health!
Without good health it is hard to accomplish anything in life and in some cases it is just a battle to get through each day (I have been there, just read on).
So what maintains us in optimum health or helps us get there if we feel we could improve our own?
Well there are four key areas that I believe we need to address and they are STRESS, EXERCISE, WATER and NUTRITION.
Just remember the word S.E.W.N.
We all seem to be under more stress these days whether it be work, family, financial, environmental or lack of sleep just to name a few.
The best way to deal with a recurring stress is to remove it completely from your life but you and I know that is not always possible, so what do we do
First and foremost we need to be good to ourselves.
There are 336 half hour time slots in a week, now let’s take 112 of them for sleep and then that leaves us 224 half hours to get everything else in our life done.
Out of those 224 half hours I want you to diarise a minimum of 10 of them for 2 important stress relieving activities.
Five of them are for you to smell the roses, meditate, relax, have a nice bath or even take a nap …. just chill out because it’s such a great stress reliever.
Now the other 5 are for exercise because the benefits of exercise are many & varied. Just 5 half hours per week preferably on different days, yes that’s all, 5 half hours to help you on the road to good health.
All the marathon swimming, training and racing I did during my career were for anything but my health.
Not only is exercise great for the body and mind, it is also a great stress reliever in itself!
“Ok Shelley what is the best exercise for me?”
I hear you ask …. My answer is simple “the one you will do!”
Read on here now… for the full article and how you can insure in your greatest wealth… YOUR HEALTH!
Put your heart into your health folks!
PS: I’m presenting next Friday 28th June at the KPMG ‘Go Red for Women’ Breakfast in Perth for the WA Heart Foundation…
PPS: got any questions regarding CFS or Juice PLUS+
Call me on 0414 594 245
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