Dear Champ,
How different would it feel to be calm and confident in the starter’s hands, excited about getting in the open water and the smiling assassin as you finish the swim feeling energised ready to jump on your bike?
If you’re not already experiencing this on a consistent basis then it’s time to change your approach.
Remember, the biggest barrier is between your ears.
Are you‘re keen to win the mind games & defeat the inner demon destroying your game plan?
There are a lot of things people tend to stress about-but with a little mental preparation; you can be ready for most things that come your way.
Finally learn how to overcome the most common worries that play games in your mind that can make all the difference, not only in how well you perform, but in your enjoyment of your race.
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“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
— Oliver Wendell Holmes
So, if you want to increase your confidence, and have a smoother open water experience (and who wouldn’t right?), then this is for you.
[testimonial testimonialimgurl=”” tessize=”large” style=”TI”]“When looking for someone to motivate the Australian Swim Team I wanted someone with a proven track record of success who would move the team out of their comfort zone. Shelley’s belief in both herself and the team created the best-ever results of an Australian Open Water Swim Team. Shelley’s techniques are worth their weight in gold.” Australian Swim Team, Former Head Coach, Alan Thompson[/testimonial]
The Power of Success program is a combination of the tools and techniques, strategies and solutions, from Shelley Taylor-Smith’s success & experience in a total of thirty-five years (35) plus in open water swimming as both an athlete and coach. The ‘Taylor-Made’ workouts and Champion strategies shared are those designed by the World Champ herself.
This program, in the comfort of your office or home, will teach you how-to CHOOSE to focus your mind on what matters most, to really produce the results you want. You may not be able to change the world, but you can change your perception of you within it.
If you want to keep up in today’s world, whether you are an entrepreneur, parent, team leader, manager, business owner, student, athlete or individual; you need to equip yourself for the future. This program teaches you how to grow yourself to greatness. Better than that, it teaches you how to share these same principles learned to help others too.
So Dive In And Discover Your Champion Potential,
How To Achieve Your Goals And Be
Swimming In Your Own Success
Here are just a few of the areas Shelley has taught Champions around the world:
[list style=”Check1Blue”]- Goal Achievement: Dreams into Realities
- How to avoid the life-killing power of negative self-fulfilling prophesies
- Self-Esteem is at the centre of it all (Shelley excels in this area)
- Get Mentally Tough: Winning from Within
- Seeds of Discipline: Excellence is a Habit
- Why calculated risk takers always win
- Inner Coaching: Self-Talk of Champions
- Problem Solving from training to race day
- Certainty of Belief: Attitude is Everything
- Why Every Champion practices community service
- Champion Confidence: Value is Inside Out
The overwhelmingly proven benefits include:
[list style=”red-check-1″]- Renewed self-esteem, self-worth and confidence that will boost your overall performance
- Unleashing your Inner Winner with your new Champion habits
- Feeling the power of being in control of your thoughts and in the driver’s seat of your life
- Finding your resilience to stay on track when the going gets tough
- Greater enjoyment in your training, your racing more and more every day!
- Increased motivation and how to tap into it you when you need it most
- No more self-sabotage, only Champion self-talk
And be the next Champion coached
in The Power of Success program
with Shelley Taylor-Smith
How can you become a *Champion Athlete* with the Mindset Makeover?
This premiere service that has helped hundreds of individuals in all walks of life, of all ages around the globe; I am offering as a gift when you subscribe to Open Water Swimming Mastery!
I passionately believe it is your birth right to succeed and become the Champion you were born to be and achieve what you want in life… Once you know how to use the power of your mind to win!
Due to feedback from coaching triathletes at Open Water Tuesday, Stroke Correction Wednesday and Pool2OpenWater workshops for Swimming WA and Triathlon WA and coaching open water swimmers for Rottnest Channel, English Channel and Manhattan Island Marathon Swim; I know that individuals want to know the motivational strategies successful Olympians, Entrepreneurs and Champions worldwide have been using for years, to do just that – win.
So I created the ‘how-to’ Power of Success program to share my winning secrets.
As a 7-time World Marathon Swimming Champion, Motivational Expert, Performance Coach, and NLP Trainer I will teach you how to keep it simple, focus on your assets and drive your own life to become the Champion of your own world!
Regardless of being tagged with ‘no natural ability’, ‘disabled’ and ‘nothing above average’ I am (still) the only woman to achieve No.1 World Ranking for both men & women in the history of any sport worldwide.
You may not want to go that far.
You may want to go further in your world!
But I want to prove to you that you CAN find what you want to win in your life; set and structure goals to get you there and be the success you want to be when you choose to change the focus of your mind to win…
All you need is the desire to be consistent and to want to do it for you.
You have to want to change what hasn’t worked so far. The rest is up to you.
My first question to you in wanting a Mindset Makeover is…
“Are you prepared to do whatever it takes?”
And the REAL question is…
Can you make yourself do something you really don’t want to do, in order to get a result you would really like to have?
When you are able to answer this question affirmatively, you will experience a massive shift in your perception of the immediate future.
This single concept can dramatically alter your performance, your results and your overall happiness…
If you answered affirmatively….
This program responds to all those we know who have the “It’s alright for you to do it, but I can’t!” and the “I wish I could do that” attitude.
I’m telling you now – we all can!
“If you fail to plan… you plan to fail.”
It is NOT too late to prepare to SUCCEED in your next open water swimming or triathlon competition.
It’s NEVER too late to plan to succeed!
Today is your day to tweak your Mindset Skills to boost your confidence & reduce your race day anxiety, to your advantage for the swim!
Have you had a horrendous Open Water Swim? Who hasn’t? I know I sure have had my fair share….
Well No More Excuses!!!
I’ve heard them all… Sound familiar?
Leaking goggles, sun in my eyes, fogged up goggles, cap came off, anxiety attack, got smashed at the start, swam off course, couldn’t see the turn buoys, fear, can’t bilateral breathe and the best of all – followed another competitor who swam off course and we missed the turn!!!!
This is not a system from a self-help book. It’s a way of choosing to focus your mind to really produce the results you want. You may not be able to change the world, but you can change your perception of you within it.
Can you answer YES to any of these questions?
[list style=”bl”]- I have set goals, hit some, but missed plenty and never knew why?
- I have invested in squads and clinics but I still stand on the starting line doubting myself?
- I have worked my butt off, done all I could, still failed and wondered ‘where did I go wrong’?
- I started the season all fired up, but gradually got overwhelmed, distracted, unmotivated and quit on my training and my goals?
- I want to squeeze more out of every training session, but my mind just lets me down time and time again?
- Even though I know I am only human, I get cross that I can’t do it all?
- I know what I have the potential, but I don’t know how to achieve it?
If you answered YES to any or all of these questions… congratulations you’re normal!
Access Day 1 – The Power Of Now
But if you want to focus your mind to unleash your Inner Winner and become the Champion of your own world, in your next race; then now is the time to commit time to you, to shift your perceptions, to welcome the powerful change that can take place in your mind and empower you to win.
Read on to find out how the 7 day program can coach you on-line, in the comfort of your own home/office, and create your very own Power of Success…
During the 7 day program the Mindset Makeover will teach you how-to:
[list style=”arrowred”]- Keep it simple to enjoy your day-to-day training & racing, focused & energetic
- Set goals & motivate yourself to persevere to the finish line
- Stay focused 100% and achieve what you set out to do
- Eliminate procrastination in your life, positively and permanently
- Overcome mental blocks, energy slumps and every day frustrations that drain you and reduce your motivation
- Bounce back from frustrations, failure or setbacks
- Discover your assets, your strengths that will unleash your Inner Winner to record personal bests
[testimonial testimonialimgurl=”” tessize=”large” style=”TI”]”Shelley was employed to prepare St Joseph’s 1st & 2nd VIII’s psychologically for the Head of the River. We achieved the prestigious Australian National Schoolboy Champions 2005 title. Shelley is a woman of the highest integrity, totally professional and gifted with her ability to communicate positive messages to a variety of people. She brought a wealth of experience to the team and as a coach with 30yrs at Olympic, State, Club and Schoolboy level I found myself re-examining my own approach to the way I coached.” Michael Morgan, OAM, Senior Coach, St Joseph’s College, NSW, Australia[/testimonial]
7 days or 7 hours of expert instruction for your mindset success:
[list style=”arrowred”]- Each day you’ll receive one module over seven days total. It will only take a few minutes to go through each one. And that’s one of the great benefits of this program.
- Each module is Taylor-Made and focused on specific aspects of mental skills giving you the strategies and techniques in an easy-to-follow interactive approach.
- A format for you to print and use as a workbook
- Taylor-made workouts and Champion strategies to apply for success
- Champion Action summary of each module to take action!
- Reference list for more information
- Optional: email Head Coach Shelley at the end of program for her feedback
- Not just talking at you but with visual aids to give you the clearest instruction.
- Shelley will be available via the private online forum to give direct answers for your situation. We check the forum regularly and respond within 48 hours (and usually the same day)
Exclusive “Pick Shelley’s Brain” online forum
[list style=”red-check-1″]- Ask your questions 24/7 and get advice, recommendations and tips specific to your challenge from Head Coach Shelley
- Share and learn with fellow open water swimmers and triathletes who have overcome the same struggles
Pre-course Personal Assessment
[list style=”red-check-1″]- Questionnaire to help identify your core problem and key outcomes
- Course content customised based on hundreds I’ve coached and their respectful input
Additional videos and downloadable worksheets
[list style=”red-check-1″]- Enhance the 7 day program with worksheets and lessons to guide you step-by-step to getting better each week
- Analysis and learning points from professionals and Olympians
- Watch on your own time and come back as often as you need to
- Upcoming videos on your computer, i-pad, i-phone or any mobile device
- Upcoming downloadable audio of interviews with Champions that no one has access to so you can listen on the go and during training sessions
[testimonial testimonialimgurl=”” tessize=”large” style=”TI”]”When I contacted Shelley I was looking for a positive female role model. I was fully aware of her reputation as an athlete and speaker but also someone who could pass on ways to not only to perform, but also to handle pressure. The girls greatly benefited from the ½ day workshop experience with all swimming PB’s and Shayne Reese making the Olympic Team. Shelley also worked on strategies for the future in training and competition. Shelley provided me with great insight as to how to better communicate and how to provide the environment needed for success. As Head Coach it is my job to surround myself with great people to help me enhance my program and in Shelley I have found a great motivator! Cheers Shelley I look forward to the future.” Rohan Taylor, Head Coach Carey Aquatic Swimming Club VIC and NOW Head Coach, Swimming Australia’s Men’s Swim Team[/testimonial]
By the end of the course… you will have sharpened your focus, and feel more confident, calm and ready to conquer your next race without the usual doubts or bad habits that have held you back from your potential.
If you find yourself dwelling on the negative side of things too long, STOP… get up, get over it and get on with it! Yes brush yourself off and start over – it’s that simple.
Once you stick with your positive choices, they will open up a new world of thinking that is truly amazing. Just keep pumping that new positive thinking muscle in your Champion mind.
I look forward to welcoming you to the group and helping you to turn your love-hate relationship around and master your open water swimming!
And Remember: If You Don’t Quit… You Will Make It!
Access Day 1 – The Power Of Now
Shelley Taylor-Smith
P.S. Remember this is the only place where you can get this type of specialised mindset coaching to overcome your mental game challenges. Start the program now and you’ll be ready to achieve your gold in your next competition!
[testimonial testimonialimgurl=”” tessize=”large” style=”TI”]”Her professional and dedicated approach to every task and project she undertakes impressed all who have worked with her over the years of her involvement in her role with Swimming Australia Limited. Shelley is extremely effective at both individual and team motivation. As coach her involvement saw one of my athletes in my squad go on to win a World Championship title. As Head Coach of the Australian Marathon Swim Team I have no hesitation in engaging Shelley’s excellent services to motivate the squad of elite marathon swimmers preparing for the Beijing Olympic Games. Her well-refined presentation skills, ability to engage participants and excellent communication skills enable her to ensure all goals and outcomes are achieved through extremely thorough and dynamic presentations.”
Greg Towle, Former Head Coach, Marathon Swim Team, Swimming Australia[/testimonial]