In order to achieve success, one must visualize success and when you visualize it, the steps on how to achieve it will show up one by one,
like magic. And that magic is happening now. This is a great way to get ahead for visualizing and creating a path to success.
The Creative Process Of A Success Mindset
Leading well involves leading yourself first.
This seems an exercise in obviousness, though the simplest concepts can often be the most powerful. Leading yourself first means that you’ve got to start with you, on the inside, and that takes some courage and honesty.
As I have worked one-on-one with many leaders in multiple industries, I have identified what I believe are six keys to developing a success mindset:
Key 1: Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
If you’re a leader, don’t you, by default already have healthy self-confidence and self-esteem? Not necessarily. And don’t confuse ego or arrogance with confidence.
- Confidence suggests that you know what you know, and you also know you always have something to learn.
- Arrogance suggests you think you know it all.
Self-esteem is related to your belief system, especially your beliefs about yourself and how your own self-talk can help or hurt you.
Key 2: Getting Over Yourself
Getting over yourself is about having the self-confidence not to be so self-absorbed. Getting over yourself is about eliminating self-sabotaging behaviors like procrastination, as well. On the other hand, it’s also about helping others, which can create the positive energy we need to lead. It’s about, ultimately, about having a sense of humor.
You’re going to make mistakes—learn from them and move on!
Key 3: Committing to Congruence: Take the High Road
“It is my behaviors that influence, not my intentions.”
Right now you need to make your own commitment to epitomize integrity in all of your actions and interactions as a leader.
You need to make a decision to take the high road, always. Integrity suggests the notion of integration and congruence. Who you are on the inside—intentions—fully integrate with what happens on the outside—actions.
Key 4: Removing Obstacles with Discipline and Perseverance
Ask yourself this question: “What are the current issues, obstacles, problems preventing me from ______?” You fill in the blank with where you want to go, then try to identify both real and imagined obstacles.
Sometimes we perceive that something is an obstacle when in reality, it’s not as bad as we think. Sometimes, we need a coach or advisor to help us work through obstacles, but not investigating them will keep us stuck.
Key 5: Balancing Accountability and Respect
Here’s the trick, the most effective delivery of an honest message balances both accountability and respect, especially if the target of our honesty is someone whom we’d like to influence. It does matter how the message is delivered.
There is a difference between respectful honesty and disrespectful honesty.
Key 6: The Differentiation Factor
In my work with hundreds of leaders, two particular elements differentiate the successful leaders from those who struggle in their ability to influence their followers. You may think, “Well, everyone knows that!” but knowing and doing are different.
Differentiator 1: clearly articulate your vision and get others to follow you.
I find two main errors in thinking when it comes to the vision/mission issue: either there is none articulated, or it’s so vague no one believes it’s important. Your employees believe that you have a vision and they think it’s your job to tell them about it.
Remember that the degree to which you are not specific, someone has to guess or to try to read your mind.
Differentiator 2: confronting issues quickly, directly and respectfully.
Leaders need to respond thoughtfully and immediately to issues that arise. Candor and honesty are the critical currency of good leadership—the art is in the delivery.
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