You are ordering the 50 HOURS pay-as-you-go card.
Use your card to attend any one or all of the Team STS swim squads. Perfect for a family or for the swimmer who frequently travels for work.
The 50 Hours card has an 8 month expiry. The expiry period commences from when you first attend squad in that block. Swimmers can also request a single 1-month extension within a financial tax year (1st July 2018 to 30th June 2019) in the event of illness or injury occurring once your card has commenced. Your card is valid for Winter, Off-Season and Summer Squads with Shelley Taylor-Smith.
Please complete the order form below. We will process your payment and create a receipt for you.
Price: $ 675.00
Please complete the order form below. We will process your payment and create a receipt for you.
Price: $ 675.00