Today I got asked how’s my swimming going and what it feels like to back in training.
It is just fun to be back in the pool and training with my buddies that I grew up with and shared in Western Australian State teams in the ’70s! It makes me feel young. Swimming is a sport you can do at all ages. It never has left me or my soul. I know, for me, it’s part of who I am, being in the water… and when I’m away from it too long… it’s like the air has been taken out of my lungs! Swimming makes me complete.
That’s the point. Sometimes getting on with your life can mean coming back to it.
Last month three-time Olympian and America’s greatest distance swimmer, Janet Evans said she was not disappointed when she didn’t qualify for the London Olympics, “I wish I had swum faster, but I think I am totally grateful. Grateful for the fact that I was able to do it and my body held up … instead of sitting on my couch wondering, ‘What if?'”
With her fortieth birthday approaching in August, Janet’s comeback has inspired Mums, or should I say, Moms around the globe to stage their own comeback.
“I’m just proud of the courage that it took”, she said. “I really am. Getting out of bed every morning and not giving up. I could have slept in every day, and taken my 5-year-old to preschool, but I chose not to, so that’s what I’m proud of.”
And that is the exact point, in having the courage to stage your own comeback!
So with only 1149 days until Saturday 5th 2015 when I dive in the 100th anniversary celebration and participate in the 48km Manhattan Island Marathon Swim I am inspired by Janet Evans.
Not sure about you, however for me, when I have a goal, I am in the flow with greater clarity and purpose; loving what I do and my life has more meaning.
Despite the cliché, it is all about the journey. Your journey. Utilise your wisdom and perspective that you didn’t have way back when! Remember winning really isn’t everything.
Today is the day to stage your own comeback.
Cheers Head Coach Shells
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