This coming weekend is the inaugural half ironman in Mandurah, Western Australia. The event in Mandurah is set in a gorgeous area in my home state which will quickly become a favourite. The race begins with an open water swim in the Mandurah canals that I swam in in my childhood. There is no better way to enjoy Mandurah than swim/race in it. While its depth s rarely exceed 3 metres and its surface is usually as calm as a lap pool, its placidity may lure unprepared triathletes, like many … [Read more...]
Mother of All Comebacks!
Today I got asked how's my swimming going and what it feels like to back in training. It is just fun to be back in the pool and training with my buddies that I grew up with and shared in Western Australian State teams in the '70s! It makes me feel young. Swimming is a sport you can do at all ages. It never has left me or my soul. I know, for me, it’s part of who I am, being in the water... and when I'm away from it too long... it's like the air has been taken out of my lungs! Swimming makes … [Read more...]
Don’t Start A Resolution… Set A Goal!
It's now 2012 and your thoughts have turned to setting goals... or what some call New Year's Resolutions! and none are more important than in the area of your Health & Fitness! Each January, people who resolve to get fit… get healthy and lose weight; flock to the gym, the pavement, the pool, the open water. Gym owners and managers say by the end of February, the place is almost empty. People stop coming -- Most people bite off more than they can chew on New Year's Eve when starting … [Read more...]
2012: A Sensational Year To Overcome Your Fears and Open Yourself Up to New Horizons!
I’m planning on making 2012 a sensational year. How 'bout you? In less than four hours (dowunder), it will be a whole new year, where lots of people will be celebrating. Inspired by the Champions of 2011! Diana Nyad, Penny Palfrey, SAS soliders in Afghanistan, Peter Hughes, Steven Munatones of Janine Shepherd, Tim Cleland, Brad Hogg, Ky Hurst, Melissa Gorman & Paul Downie… I wrote today’s blog But before you say farewell to 2011... I want you to complete this … [Read more...]
Want to overcome your fear of the Open Water in 2012?
Hello Open Water Swimming Dreamers & Achievers –in-waiting! Have a fear of Open Water? Panic stricken the night before a Triathlon? Shaking in your wetsuit at the starting line? Frustrated that you can’t remain matter how hard you try? Overcome with anxiety ... and you don’t know why? Improving your OWS skill set in 2012 is one of your goals? Well fear no more... Santa Shelley is here … [Read more...]
Isn’t Life About Determining Your Own Finish Line?
None of us want to be wrong, make mistakes and we like to win and succeed. Who am I kidding ~ this is me I am describing! However, sometimes you have to try the impossible, not achieve it and stretch your comfort zone to be a bit bigger. During the month of September the world sat back in awe of the amazing, age-defying, 62-yr old, American Marathon Swimmer, Diana Nyad, as she went for her Xtreme Dream; attempting to swim 103 nautical miles (160+km) non-stop and unassisted from Havana, Cuba … [Read more...]
How to get your butt into gear and your momentum started
Well it is October 1st here dowunder and as the sun is rising earlier and earlier that means Summer is just around the corner and... The triathlon and open water swim season is soon upon us. Heading into my 3rd year as Head Coach I am really excited for the 50 swimmers who will be joining me for the 16-week Kirbyswim Rottnest Channel 20km Marathon Solo Squad 2012 starting November 3rd 2011. One question I get asked most often is: "Shelley how do you not get bored swimming up and … [Read more...]
Nothing Great Is Easy… Are you focused on the storm or the rainbow?
I am writing to you from Varne Ridge Holiday Caravan Park on the white cliffs of Dover sitting out my second major storm in two weeks and thought "Well Shelley there is no time like the actual "present moment" ... where goals do not always go according to plan; so we are enjoying the English Channel journey also known as the "Rollercoaster ride of Life". ...and the apt phrase "Nothing Great Is Easy" keeps me calm as I look forward and keep going strong. Life is just like that. You get … [Read more...]
Go easy on yourself! Failure only means…
You are one step closer to success! The Solution to Failure is... to expect it. I am writing to you from Dover Harbour in the UK, as I prepare to guide West Australian, Paul Downie on his English Channel solo crossing (for Breast Cancer Care WA). This past week I have been privileged to witness amazing feats in the English Channel. Earlier today 70yrd old retired breast surgeon, Roger Allsopp of Guernsey, UK achieved his English Channel goal (again) and created a Guiness Book World … [Read more...]
Can Open Water Swimming Be Dangerous?
Answer: In the same way that a bee sting, crossing the street, and juggling with fire can be. The more experience you have, the better you can deal with the variations. The death of an athlete in the Louisville, Kentucky Ironman last weekend has focused attention on the dangers of the open-water portion of such events. The forty-six year old male athlete from New York experienced cardiac arrest and was pulled from the river just after he started the swimming portion. [read … [Read more...]